Why Pet Insurance?
Why would you choose to insure your pet?
As pet parents, we believe we are able to protect our pets from harm. If you really think about it, no matter how much love and care we provide, accidents and illness are still beyond our control. Pet insurance with Petsecure is like having group health benefits for your pet. It's a unique way to ensure that whenever you need to, you can provide your pet with the very best of care.
It's responsible pet parenting
Being a pet parent is very rewarding; however, it also comes with responsibility and commitment. That's why investing in pet health insurance is a great way to stay organized, on track and more importantly, provide you with the peace of mind of knowing that if you need to, you can provide your pet with the very best veterinary treatment and care. You will have taken the appropriate steps to prepare and plan for the unexpected.
Access the best care for your pet
With pet insurance you can simply choose the best veterinary care for your furry loved one, without the financial concern of the cost of treatment, because you have the coverage to do so.
Removes financial concerns
Pet health insurance is here to help you budget for unforeseen veterinary bills. So, when the unexpected happens, you're free to make the health care decisions that feels right for you, rather than basing them on what you can (or can't) afford.

Shelby's True Tail -
a pet insurance testimonial
"She'd become very lethargic and was constantly drooling. They told us to bring her in as soon as possible..."
Read Shelby's Story...

Glen and Cora Passfield, Mississauga, Ontario
After deciding that a puppy would be a good addition to our household we decided to get a yellow lab. We found a breeder that we liked and felt comfortable with and a few weeks later we had our new addition to the family, Shelby.
Everything was going fine at first; however, after having her at home with us for five weeks she became very lethargic and was constantly drooling.
We immediately called our veterinarian and explained the situation. They told us to bring her in as soon as possible.
Shelby needed to continue her I.V treatment through out the night and we would know first thing in the morning if surgery would need to be done. All we could do was wait, needless to say my wife and I did not get a wink of sleep that night.
The next morning our phone rang with great news! Shelby was doing much better and had passed the blockage. We could go pick her up and bring her home. During this entire ordeal, we knew the costs were adding up but we couldn't imagine life without Shelby so we authorized any test that needed to be done. The total cost was $1,100. If Shelby would've had to get surgery, it would have cost us anywhere in-between $2,000-$4,000.
Our breeder had sent us home with a six week Breedsecure voucher from Petsecure pet health insurance. I called Petsecure and everyone was so nice and concerned about how Shelby was doing. They explained the process on how to submit a claim form. About a week later we received a cheque in the mail. Since this was a trial offer our coverage limit was only $750 for accidents and illness…but it was still fantastic!